Have you been working on a new visual project related to the pandemic? Have these challenging times inspired you in any way to create a new body of work? Have you documented the struggle, your ever changing environment, or maybe simply your own life that is being affected by the pandemic? Have you developed new visual ideas?
FRAMES is a quarterly, 112 pages thick, printed photography magazine. As a modern photography magazine in a digital world, their goal is to bring compelling photographs, and the stories behind them, to the hands of professionals and admirers alike. Four times a year, FRAMES gives photographers of all genres and mediums a place for their art to be seen and voices to be heard. They believe in providing a community that inspires people to pick up a camera and let their creativity run wild.

FRAMES Magazine has just partnered with a small European team, led by Italian photographer Giulio D’Ercole, for a unique, impactful photography and multimedia project called “Our Home – A Shared New World.” This project is directly related to the challenging times of COVID-19. Find out how to submit as little as one or as many as ten photographs and add some words about your work below. Carefully selected photographers will be invited to participate in the final multimedia exhibition, which will be organized in several different geographical locations, possibly on a few continents. Pretty cool right?
List to a podcast conversation with Italian photographer Giulio D’Ercole explaining this multimedia project.