Salesforce and Equal Measures 2030 Data Fellowship 2023 – Closes August 11!

Eligibility Criteria

Technical skills:    Applicants should be familiar with the tools of data journalism. In particular, they should:  

  • Be familiar with managing datasets and be able to prepare datasets to use in data visualizations   
  • Have some experience with or be keen to learn how to use Tableau data visualization software  

Experience: Applicants should provide an example of at least one story they’ve previously published which incorporates data presentation in online or print media.  

Geographical focus: Applicants may be resident in any country, but their work as part of the fellowship must focus on gender issues in Colombia or Guatemala and they must have the intention to publish their story in Colombian/Guatemalan media.

Gender identity : Applicants should self-identify as women or a minority gender

Application Process

  • The application is brief and will ask multiple choice questions or require very short answers about your motivation for applying, your data experience, your early thinking about the gender equality issues you might want to explore and the journalism products you might want to create through this Fellowship, and your reflections after briefly exploring EM2030 data for your country  

  • You will also be asked to upload or provide a link to a previous example of your data-driven journalism work