One-Health Toolkit: Reporting on mpox

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Since the beginning of 2022, mpox cases have been reported to the WHO from 116 Member States across all 6 WHO regions. As of 31 May 2024, a total of 97 745 laboratory confirmed cases and
535 probable cases, incl. 203 deaths, had been reported to the WHO.

A new variant of mpox has experts worried. It spreads more easily via physical contact.

The new mpox clade 1b is more deadly than clade 2 that caused a global outbreak in 2022. Clade 1b is fuelling a severe outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where it is currently confined. But scientists say urgent measures are needed to contain mpox 1b due to its pandemic potential. It has been identified that this variant spreads more readily via close physical contact between humans – both during sex, as well as general physical contact in a household setting.

On 23 July 2022, with cases continuing to rise sharply, the Director-General of the WHO determined that the multi-country outbreak of mpox constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. It is important to be aware of what the mpox outbreaks mean for public health, and what must be done to prevent infections and care for those who are ill.

This One Health Toolkit provides a set of tools and resources to help journalists report on the mpox outbreaks, and is the first in a new One Health Toolkit series designed to help journalists better report on One-Health: the interconnections between the health of humans, animals & the environment.

*Consult a tracker like this one from the CDC for the latest figures, as the situation may change rapidly.